Friday, October 29, 2010

new adventure

thank God, i finally got a new job in a private hospital in South Jakarta. Well, honestly i feel frightened as i haven't 'touched' the nursing world for one year.. there might be many difficulties ahead. but i want to face them as challenges. i know He wants me to learn more and more. and i know He will always beside me. Please, God.. I want to be a great nurse for my patients, colleagues, other professionals at the hospital, myself, and especially for You..
let them know, that You are the teacher and the leader of my life.. so Your name will be rejoiced wherever I am.. Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Hari ini ketika berjalan di sepanjang koridor RSPI, gw hampir menitikkan air mata.. hati penuh dengan ucapan syukur, bahwa dokter menyatakan gw tidak sakit..
Gw mengingat lagi hari-hari yang lalu, ketika..
Gw mau berkomitmen dengan Ed..
Gw dinyatakan sakit oleh dokter dari RSx..
Gw kecewa sama Tuhan ---- Bagaimana gw nanti bekerja? Apakah gw akan mendapatkan pekerjaan? Apakah Ed akan meninggalkan gw? Bagaimana pandangan orang lain terhadap gw?----
Gw marah sama Tuhan..
Gw jd sering bengong waktu jalan dan mengendarai motor..
Gw minta mukjizat Tuhan..
Gw berjanji kepada Tuhan..
Gw menahan air mata di depan keluarga gw..
Keluarga menopang gw..
Ed menguatkan gw..
Sahabat-sahabat yang mendukung gw..
Dan akhirnya gw menerima penyakit itu..

Semua bercampur aduk.. Gw hampir nggak percaya kalau ternyata gw gak sakit. Tuhan bener2 luar biasa. Selama 2 minggu ini, Tuhan bener-bener menempa gw.
Bagaimana hampir tiap malam ga bisa tidur, takikardi, dan gelisah..
Bagaimana gw menyadari dan merasakan bahwa kesehatan itu tak ternilai harganya..
Merenungkan bagaimana sikap gw selama ini terhadap masalah yang ada..
Bagaimana gw memelihara kebiasaan buruk gw..
Tuhan mengingatkan kembali hal itu semua ke otak gw. Sampai akhirnya gw ingat bahwa God is the One who is in control!

..dan yang terpenting yang Tuhan tunjukkan ke gw adalah, ternyata keluarga, pacar, dan sahabat-sahabat gw benar-benar mengasihi gw..

Hemm... Aku mau jadi perawat yang baik, yang takut akan Tuhan.

Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus yang baik..

Monday, October 4, 2010


Oh God.. I don’t know what to say.. new love comes to me.. But, I can’t believe it. It happens too fast. He offers me new love, new adventure, new plans for my future. He wants to be my present and my future.
I was shocked. I need time. You know, it’s not easy for me to fall in love. Moreover, I’ve been in the broken-hearted heaven for twice. I don’t wanna feel it anymore. That hurts me so much.

I appreciate your confession. I do. I feel attracted to you as well. But, not love.. not yet, pal.. I think the thing that you feel right now is ‘attracted’ or ‘like’. We need time to grow the love seed. We have to think about many things, pray for many things, and the most important thing is I don’t feel the love yet. I do like you. But give ourselves time. Let’s be friends first. Best friends. Let us know deeper one another. Don’t run too fast, coz I will be left behind. Just walk beside me so that we can feel the fresh air, see the beautiful trees and grass, and hear the birds’ tweet. Okay, partner? :)