Monday, June 28, 2010


sejak gw dan kawan2 alumni smp 175 mencetuskan untuk ngadain reuni, kami jadi sering ngumpul bareng.. seneng banget punya komunitas 'baru' dari orang2 lama. thank God juga acara reuninya berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses mengumpulkan anak2 alumni.. huaaa. nah..sejak itu kami panitia (gw sih) menamakan kumpulan kami ini "Kampretos", karna kami suka berkelayapan malam2.
Di saat gw lagi nganggur gini, gw ga punya komunitas yang variatif.. ketemu orang2nya itu ituuu aja.. sekarang, gw bisa ketemu temen2 smp dan juga jalan bareng.. huaa.. semoga friendship ini bisa aweett ga anget2 tai kucing.

oia, mengenai closed-book.. FYI, gw udah ga penasaran sama buku itu lagi. YES!

Friday, June 4, 2010

my poor vein

hmm.. today im gonna tell ya abt my 'vein injection' experience. well, i have this varicose vein disease since i was a kid. i didnt know anything abt it. lately, i knew that -i think- in my case this is an inherited disease. maybe theres something wrong with my vein valve.
ive been suffering from this pain for years. tired of peoples' questions and glances.
so, i took the decision to inject the damaged vein for the purpose that it wont spread to another vein. moreover, im a nurse though. i dont want this disease bothers me in my daily life.
i went to a hospital in Fatmawati St, South Jakarta last Wednesday (June 2nd, 2010). i met a beautiful cosmetic surgeon :) the cosmetic surgeon shot my damaged vein (in both legs) with sclerotic drugs, in several locations (uughh..) it will kill my damaged veins so the blood wont use them anymore. the blood will find other ways (veins) to reach my heart (recanalization). starting from that day, i should wear elastic dress on my both legs for a week. i hope this medication wont leave any scratch, since i love wearing short.
oya, i should take care my legs well after this. i should wear varicose stockings whenever im in the mid of activities that need much sit or stand positions. oh God.. i hope varicose wont come to me anymore in the future. i dont wanna get trouble when im delivering baby as well :) please God.. enough..